Monday, 28 June 2010
Vienna yo.....
Okay that speech has nothing to do with this blog post I just think it’s awesome and if you don't well you probably suck anyway, nah I am joking (sort of). Your boy that's me spent a long weekend in Vienna, yeh I know random location right but then again my life is a collection of randomness. so Vienna is an awesome city but before I could get there I had to deal with Gatwickgate.
Okay it wasn't really Gatwickgate but putting “gate” behind any situation makes it sound scandalous & super interesting. Okay what happened was my flight was meant to take off at 5 but it was delayed because of the France strike (bunch of douches after I gave them an awesome in my post about Paris. Lames). It wasn't just delayed, it was delayed for 4 hrs looking to take off at 10pm please note I had been at Gatwick since 3. To make matters worse I couldn't switch because there was police, not just police, police with Guns so..... You see why I couldn't wile out. I went to the info desk to get compensation for the delay and get this they gave me a £3 food voucher, boy was I excited, I was thinking of all the food possibilities, I could buy a happy meal AND get a Mcflurry on the side, it would have been happy times. So at this stage, my BB had one bar and I refuse to pay £25 for a new one even though its tax free when mine was in my box. So I went about asking for a charger, met this lady with the same BB as mine whose flight was also delayed and she let me borrow it, which was most awesome of her, she had a twitter account, should have asked her name so I could tag her but she might think I am a borderline nutcase (that's what @TEAMTaiwo called me in a #FF, imagine that). To my surprise I was calm unless a dumb statement was sent my way, maybe it was the guns in close proximity who knows. Oh yeh shout out to @Cmypassion, cracking me up while I waited. check her blog out its almost as dope as mine, it would be doper than mine if there was 10 post feature about me (oh yeh I am on my Kanye arrogance *shrugs*). While I was waiting was reading my book then I noticed my flight had a gate, I couldn't believe my eyes, I was thinking I was going to be there for 4hrs, the delay was for 2 hours, I got my stuff and ran to the gate and met my fellow Gatwickgate peepz, when you are delayed you make friends pretty swiftly to help deal with the madness. The plane finally took off (I really hate planes when they land and take off makes me feel ill.), while I was reading onslaught book 4 listening to The Roots new album that's my ish *sings Dear God.....*, I crashed at about track 7 or so. Oh yeh I got to use my £3 voucher on a snack box, It had all kinds of snacks in it. I woke up when we landed, got my suitcase, said goodbye to my Gatwick peepz, hopped in a cab with my sis to her place. I was wiped, so I conked out.
Day 1 of Vienna, I actually woke up late for once I got up @ 10 that never happens for me.
(Sidebar: it’s like 2am as I am writing, so if my grammar & spelling aren't on point allow me & if you can't, you are a douche this is the frigging internet, no one is grading this shit, if you have time to be bitch and moan about my grammar then exit my blog. Okay please stay I was joking, I need you like the French team needs a good manager. Seriously though, there is no need to be uppity. Damn, I got side tracked, you have seen a little glimpse of how my mind wanders. Anyway back to my trip).
When I woke I was starving but we missed breakfast, so the plan was to get munch and hit the road with my camera, oh yeh I forgot to tell y'all I got my DSLR canon 450D & I have been in love ever since, check out my tumblr accout, its sort of my portfolio - After getting ready my sis dropped the line, you are such a preppy boy, you are a Kanye & CuDi poster boy all this because of my purple Supra's and Cap America T-shirt, SMH. (Okay yeh I have changed a lot over the last few years, I lost the Hood element and changed most of my circles. Well if you don't change, you aren't living are you) after jamming 'Ye's Power, David Guerrta Memories with CuDi & Hello Good Morning, Diddy Dirty Money, We hit the streets, as soon as we stepped out I started snapping away, my sis told me that this was nothing, boi if only I had listened. The scenery in Vienna was amazing, I was snapping away when we were meant to go eat, I finally stopped taking pics & we went to a sky restaurant. The view from the top was amazing, took some more pics and then me & my sis talked, what we concluded is that we have come a long as way & not many people thought we would achieve what we have achieved (to those people I wish you wealthy). We started talking about times in Nigeria, girls, Money, work. Oh yeh my sister is a snitch, she has snitched on me many times to my parents. SMH @ her. Nah my sister is cool to talk to, she gets me and we get on pretty well. So after a Sky sandwich (it’s just a club sandwich which was awesome) & fries we hit the road. Oh yeh at the restaurant I used a skill that I have been perfecting & it really does work. I am not a serious individual at all. So most of the day was spent sightseeing and taking pics, okay I actually go tired of taking pics because Vienna has way too many landmarks to take pics, in one area there are like 10 buildings next to each other, botanical Gardens. They killed me, swapping between lenses is a mission but I loved it. We stopped taking pics to get ice cream, they love ice cream out here, I mean it’s a big thing even at like midnight they are enjoying ice cream, madness. I ordered me a banana split which was quite much. I checked my memory care I had like 500mb left on a 4gb card, that's how much I had been snapping. We headed back to my sis place to crash for a bit cause we walked a long ass way, you need to give it to tourist those people have stamina. After crashing for a bit, we grabbed dinner like after midnight & crashed.
Day 2 started with me waking up in time for breakfast, breakfast was awesome, anywhere that serves cake at breakfast is awesome. I piled up my plate basically I made up for missing breakfast the day before. After a hearty breakfast, went back to chill for a bit, listening to tunes, they love MJ out here (R.I.P.) MTV were blasting him all day. The plan for today was to go to a museum and kick it a bit. Out of all the museums they have, the museum of choice was Belverde, why you ask because it’s the name of a vodka and I love me some vodka. Nah I kid it, had the Gustav Klint "The Kiss" which I wanted to see, plus there was an awesome shot I wanted to get. We got ready as we were about to head out my sister dropped this line "make sure you cream your hands and elbow, No Reggie Bush (pic )What a par on Reggie, to be fair, he looks like he has been making a pizza all day. We left and went to an ice cream place to get a milkshake as it was blazing hot. We hit up the tram and headed to the museum. We got there, I took oh about 20 or so pics of the castle but the shot I wanted to get couldn't happen because they drained the river. I was gutted. We picked up some tickets and went round to the entrance at the back. No word of a lie this was the most amazing thing I had seen. The fountain, the landscape, the view. Yeh, oh I took a few over 60 or more snaps probably more as my sister forced me to take pics of her for her FB account. SMH. I could have stayed outside all day but my sister was moaning that all she had eaten was a muffin for breakfast, well that's not my fault she knew what time breakfast was. So we went in, the artwork was amazing, they had the Napoleon Bonaparte this piece was magnificent to look at. We went round and we got to the pièce de résistance, Gustav Klint The Kiss, there was something gracefully about the pic, couldn't explain it but it was dope. After getting my culture on, we headed back to stephansplatz (their version of oxford circus) to eat and pick up some chocolate and other stuff. After lunch, we went to a macaroon shop for dessert, the cupcakes & macaroons were amazing. I had to buy a box, it’s a shame the only last a day or two, so I shall be munching on them when I get home. Hmm, by time this post goes up they will be gone, oh well *Kanye Shrug*. After the cupcakes, we went and had some ice cream, as they say when in Rome, the ice cream bar had been open since 1886, that's a long time to be making ice cream. The place was packed as usual, I wonder if they eat ice cream during winter. We headed back to my sis place. Oh yeh there are like no black people in Vienna, I saw like 10 during my stay, it was amazing two of them looked Nigerian, we all know how Nigerians get around. After chilling for a bit, we headed out to dinner, we went to an Italian place that doesn't have Spaghetti Bolognese, which sucks because I wasn't paying attention when they were translating the menu, I was snapping away. The waitress called me out on it. I got some meal with chicken, yeh I know stereotyping. Dinner was cool, me and my sister talked and she believes I have taken hard drugs, she doesn't rate me at all. We talked about our jobs at McD's and my rudeness to customers, It was too funny. After dinner, we went out to take a few night shots and then headed back cause I had an early flight.
Right now I am on the plane back to London and it’s been a dope ass trip. I took a friends advice and rested. I forgot all the BS I was thinking about, having some WWDS (what would drake say, that's from @femi26) moment. The minute you start thinking like Drake then there is something wrong, dude is a major cornball. I also realised... I am still young, I have been acting like I am 30 and shit, I got 7 yrs to get to that level. I am going to enjoy the hell out of my life. I want to look back and say damn I had fun. Another realization I made is that the way our parents raised me and my sis, we are loyal to people we call friends, through thick and thin and it’s a damn shame the same can't be said for a lot of people, oh well such is life, I will limit my contact with people (if you fall under that category, I wish you wealthy). It’s been an awesome trip, Vienna is truly beautiful, if you like photography it’s a must. It’s a city filled with some stunning women and all on point when it comes to fashion. Okay I will end it here (this is the longest I have written), half way through the year, I have crossed off quite a few items on my list, going to a new city was one of them that being Vienna it was truly amazing and I had a lot of fun & I would recommend it to everyone.... Okay not everyone depends on your style really.
Till next time.
The GeeK
Saturday, 12 June 2010
A Year on........Still unreal
I haven't written to you in a while but I thought I would write to mark a year since you passed away. Wow it’s actually been a year, that's crazy. You would have been mocking me about getting old and having kids but that's not going to happen.
They say over time it will get better, I guess that time hasn't come. It sucks that you aren't around. So many times I needed one of our talks but bottled it up. There aren't that many people I can talk to like I could you. I miss you, who will I bully at theme parks or get pics of you slipping in restaurant. I am sitting on a train as I write this & I don't know what to say. I miss you so much, a year on and it hurts like it happened yesterday.
I call your house but no one picks up, I guess it kind of helps because I never know what to say. I can't even being to imagine how your family are copping. If it hurts me this much, only God can imagine the pain they are in. As I write this I can’t even think of the words to say, my head hasn’t been here for a week or so. I feel lost but I can’t even describe it.
When I started this I thought I could say how I felt, I still can’t describe it. Don’t think I am fully come to terms with it. I love you too much to accept you’re gone but everyone says I have to for my own health. I know I need to but this shit hurts like hell. I feel like downing a bottle of vodka but that not me..............................
To be honest words can’t describe how I feel. I will always love and miss you. I guess I will get better......
Rest in Peace Angel.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Time In Paris
I got to Paris on Thursday after an interesting train adventure we made it to our hotel which was by the Eiffel Tower, the view from my room was amazing. the theme for the night was all black everything even down to the socks & to set it off a light blue tie, please believe I got complimented on the night. So my first time in Paris and I got to party in the Eiffel Tower it was on baller status stuff, champagne and all that. The view at night from the Eiffel Tower was phenomenal made me wish I had an SLR. The night was spent socialising with my colleagues from UK & France (yes people I socialised. Very weird I know), they are quite interesting out of the work setting & find you have quite a few common interests. I spent some time with 2 SLR owners and I got to play about with one. I actually took some sweet shots, another reason why I wish I had one cause I was having genuine fun taking pictures like I was super excited.
The night progressively got better when the food was served. Oh the food, the French know food the Chicken & Fish were to die for, after I had several servings (they were canapés don't go judging) they brought out dessert, all kinds of pastries and cakes and each one of them was a little drop of heaven again after sampling all of it, they opened the bar, so we drank. So after several glasses of champagne, various double vodka shots and some gin shots, your boy became a bit buzzed (I was well behaved). We stayed till around 1am.
Then we left to go VIP Room. We drove past the Louvre at night, the sight was amazing another thing that made wish I had an SLR. We got to the club, basically the whole club is a VIP section. This is on some P Diddy ish. We got in, Dom P on Ice, Belvedere waiting. The Dom P got opened down the whole glass, then I was given Belvedere & OJ, you know I love my vodka. They started playing my music as in Hip-Hop, something that only happens in US for me, I hit the dance floor started doing my thing, got my colleagues to dance, taught them a few moves. I danced till about 5 am. Oh yeh in the club the quality & beauty of the women was on a totally different level to UK women, I was wishing I was Hank Moody (Californication go watch it). We finally left about 5:15 (the night took a very interesting turn at this point but that will be saved for another post that I will never put up. don't ask cause i will never tell) & got back to our hotel @ 6am & crashed. That was my first night in Paris.
Woke up at 9:30 yeh I know I don't do sleeping in. I woke up fine, no headache, no wanting to throw up, just tired as I hadn't slept. When I woke up I remembered the breakfast finished @ 10, I had to get my food in. I got an excellent breakfast the highlight was cake for breakfast. I was so happy I love me some cake (50's line from 21 questions comes to mind). After breakfast crashed for & hour or so. Got up, got ready and hit the streets of Paris. We walked down the river by the Eiffel Tower as all the sights were on that route, we talked, took pics, yet ANOTHER thing that made me want to get an SLR. We walked from the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre and saw all sights in between. We went to the obelisk that was at the entrance of the Louvre, please believe I was looking for Jay-Z & Alex Ferguson's names on the obelisk but I was unlucky maybe if I could read hieroglyphics We sat outside the Louvre for a bit and talked about future & stuff got me thinking that I really don't have anything that I am passionate about. The conversation had me & still has me perpending (perpend was my word of the day on Friday, that's right I am getting my book learning on) on my life that will be saved for another blog post. We went into the Louvre, got a free ticket because of my age & I am from UK, win win for me.
(Sidebar: I have beef with the Louvre, walking into it dusted my Supra’s, funny enough I wasn't that bothered. You are worried right so am I. I might be changing *shudders*).
We spent quite a bit of time in the Louvre, I was getting my culture on. On a real the Louvre was amazing, well I guess you have to be into art really. I saw the Mona Lisa & Venus de Milo they are both awesome but funny enough my favourite was a painting of Napoleon Bonaparte when he crossed the French alps, I guess it the line he dropped before crossing that resonated with me "For Napolean army, there shall be no Alps" (read up on the story). My time at the Louvre made me realise how much I loved doing Art and design & speaking to my colleague she was like I should get back into (something to add to the list). After seeing and taking shots of the painting, We left to grab lunch. We found a little cafe just off the Louvre and I got to try escargot and it was frigging awesome, I love them. The steak I had was cooked to perfection, after the main meal I got to have Crème brûlée, I am pretty sure if I kissed Alicia Keys it would taste like that, nah but it was beautiful. After the lunch we went for an impromptu shopping session we wound up walking to quite some time through Paris Shopping district. We checked the time it was like 8pm, we left the hotel @ 12am & we had been walking all this time. We hopped into a cab, went to our new hotel. A little cosy but beautiful hotel, checked into my room around 9 or so and crashed till about 8:30 the next day.
Day two was more about shopping, we had breakfast and after breakfast we hit the streets. This time we took the metro to our locations. Their underground is mad cheap 3:30€ for a day travelcard & you have reception as well, if not for roaming charges I would have been tweeting all the way. We went to Printemps that's like Selfridges, like Selfridges I never like anything so I found this mini mega store which was right up my alley. The sneaker game in the store was very impressive, they had Supras but nothing that made me think I must have this right now plus UK is actually cheaper. Managed to pick up a couple of tees. After that we made our way to the Champ Elysees. We did some more shopping found a couple more tees (I love tees),took some shots of the Arc de Triomphe. Around this time I was kind hungry so we hit McDs, it was a lot better than UK. They actually had fresh pastries in McDs I was shocked. After food we headed back to the hotel to get our bags. On the way back picked up some stuff and a bottle of Grey Goose, yeh I got me some Goose how am I going to go France and not get Grey Goose it would have been an insult. We got our bags and made our way to Gard Nord to get the Eurostar back to UK.
As I write this I am on my way back to London listening to B.O.B album (so far I like it was a bit worried but it’s a good listen), this has been a very good trip. I will be definitely be coming back maybe with a special lady who knows but its an amazing city didn't get to see all the sight there is so much to see & try. Apart from the sights and all, it’s been good from me, I have been disconnected from the web, no tweets, emails, BBM nada, I got to communicate with people it is really good (once I am back in UK that's all gonna change). It helped me make some decisions about my life and what sort of direction I want to head in & it also made me want to learn French again because the French love their language & refuse to speak English. It made me remember my love for art & design and I got me loving photography even more (I learned some stuff about my current camera that I didn't know I could do). I will conclude now I am pretty sure this is a long ass post, I will say this Paris had some of the most beautiful women I have seen & it had some of the most arrogant but swagged out individuals. I am about to crash on the train so till next time.
The GeeK
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Just My Life - I Am Me
First of all, I got a Job (shimmies to the left and then to the right.). I got the job in like a week all I can say God is good, believe in him and he won't disappoint. Job is going well in my 3rd month now and I am still winning (oh yeh I am writing this post as I listen to All I Do is Win Remix, so I am kinda spazzing on the train). What else has been going on with me, starting an IT support company check our blog, nothing is up yet but I will be writing techie stuff on there. Bookmark, go on DO IT ( We will be launching soon.
So the sad stuff that has happened *sighs*, remember the lady I spoke about in my last post of '09, yeh a lot happened, well not a lot but a lot in such a short space. So things aren't good so in the world of emoticons I am :'( but we are taking each day as it comes. Who knows what will happen. As you read this, YES YOU, I mean everything I said to you. Okay to more sad stuff, my friend that I lost last year its coming up to a year and it is killing me to accept that she is truly gone but I am accepting. (Life isn’t worth anything so make the most of it). Damn I almost started crying on the Jubilee Line that aint gangsta at all. Man up dude, *does some press ups, not really i put on some Giggs*
To the crazy stuff, remember the chick I missed out on last year (with good reason) turns out she is nuts, no not like the magazine, nuts like she will bust the window out your car. (Don't try that with me I am very spiteful you will rue that day please believe *joking - ish*) yeh I thought we could be cool but Sane and Crazy don't mix. She told me to delete her out my life because I forgot to call. Where they do that at. (Well I guess in her head) needless to say I sakujo'd her out my life (Death Note Reference, don't know, get to know)
Back to the good ish, my relationship with my family is wonderful; they have my back like no one else. I love them all even my Sister (she is so lame). I am getting closer to God, I slip up sometimes but I am getting better. I met some inspirational people, some very cool people and some new people I can call Friends. (Can't do say that these days) I am reading more on my 3rd book of the year. I am becoming more patient (-ish). Oh yeh, I saw Jay Electronica live and took a pic with him and got a signature, you know I was out there stanning. I lost 8 kg from January, yay me those 6 am runs are paying off. Oh yeh you that my hater, you know who you are eat a lemon. Nah it’s all love.
Okay I am going to round this up, all that has happened in last 4 months I can truly say if the world ended tomorrow I can say it’s been a good year. I love my family, my friends, I love my life. I wouldn't do it any other way why because I Am Me (oh yeh some so called Legends that only keep it 100 were giving me stick about my 'I Am Me' slogan. I will explain it. It simples means I do all the things that make me happy, I don't act to impress no one. I can dance at a packed station why because I can. I can play Glee soundtrack on full blast, why because that is my shit. I feel sorry for you if you have to pretend about yourself, what's the point of living if you aren't yourself.)
Till my next post, Live, Love and most importantly Learn (free your mind). & Stay Classy
The GeeK
Monday, 12 April 2010
Drake - Over (Music Video)
The vid is nothing special tbh but that might be because i feel his appeal is over.
PS: The Chick in the video is nice.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Be Inspired
When I started writing this post, I met a lady in my gym. I hadn't seen her for a while the reason for this was, she got into an accident that could have taken her life. She told me although they saved her that the pins in her leg can't be taken out and they might have to amputate it. I had a look of horror on my face & she replied oh well I have to keep smiling then she walked off. That shook me to my core. The fact that she didn't let it get to her & she kept smiling. That got me thinking about how wasteful I have been with my life. "Our life is a gift" and as long as we are breathing we should make the most of it. Her outlook inspired me to keep smiling (although it’s very hard at times.)
If you follow me on twitter, ReTweeted an inspirational video (Link), the video inspired me when I was in a down state. I started doing some research about the video & found out it was a Nelson Mandela's speech originally written by Marianne Williamson. When I read it, it put a lot of things into perspective for me.
Till Next Time, Stay Classy (anchorman fans get this)
The GeeK
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
New Wale Videos: Pretty Girls and My Sweetie
Pretty Girls - still not sure why he chose Gucci Mane for this tho.
My Sweetie - If you ever went to an African party as kid you will know the song instantly, the days when I learnt to dance so the grown ups could spray me. the line if your name has 13 characters always kills me
Wale - My Sweetie (directed by tabi Bonney) from tabi Bonney on Vimeo.
The GeeK
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Artist Of The Moment
I know am late getting into Jay Electronica, my brother put me on to him but in my true "Anti-authoritarian" nature I refused to listen at the time. After listening to Lil Wayne & young moneys album (not that impressed with them) I decided to see what the hype was about. From the minute I heard Exhibit C I became a Stan. The production, The flow (especially the last verse) it was amazing. I quickly got the rest of his mix tapes and i wasn’t let down
It’s actually amazing that someone of his talents hasn't been sign. Such a shame, He needs to drop an album with the swiftness. 2010 has to be Jay Electronica's year. If you are a fan of true hip-hop you need to listen to him.
Go get his mix tapes:
Dude is sick
Till Next Time
Stay Classy
The GeeK
Friday, 1 January 2010
Do Something New
Okay, this is my first post of 2010, first and foremost Happy New Year to all, I trust you made it to the new year fine. I was having a bit of trouble deciding what the first post of the year would be but as i was running this morning this seemed like the ideal topic to start with. With the smell of the new year, we all have resolutions and new things we want to do and changes we want to make but majority of people's resolutions don't last the end of February. i cant come out and judge anyone cause hey i do it as well. its a lot easier to give up than carry on.
This year i said i wont carry on the same way, the way I see it the whole point of life is to progress not to be stagnant or regressive. So this year i am going to do something New (hence the title of the post). It doesnt have to be anything major but you need to do something completely different from what you did last year. You can read a new book, learn a new skill, it could be whatever (as long as it is legal). Dont be that person the looks back on 2010 on 31st of Dec and realise you have done anything worth while. You have one life live it to the MAX.
Till the Next Time
Stay Classy
The GeeK