Friday, 6 November 2009

Patience, Persistence and Perspiration

The theme of this post has been in the air around me for the last couple of weeks, so it made me write this new post. hope you enjoy

In the words of Napoleon Hill “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success”. I completely agree with this statement. when striving for anything be it studies or Job Hunting or starting a business or greatness, you need to apply those 3P's to your life and way of thinking. The greatest athletes put in serious hours in the gym, on the field to make themselves great, so why do think we can achieve levels of greatness without trying, this is due to the society we live in.

With the current state of the world where we have faster cars, fast connections and other things, we as humans are programmed in a way where we want things instantly be it wealthy, the perfect physique or skills, we all suffer from this in one way or another. Majority of people lack the Patience and I am one of them. When you rush into things they are bound to fail as not a lot of thought has gone into it. Being Patient allows you to clearly see where you want to go or what you want to be or how you want things to pan out. This instant mind set causes a lot of problems because when people fail its a sets them back and potentially stops them from reaching goals. This is where Persistence comes into, the ability to keep trying no matter how many times you have failed. I was told "Failure is just an event, not a personality", think of this statement anytime you fail at something because it allows you to brush off that event and move to the next.

When applying Persistence to your situation, I believe Perspiration goes hand in hand with this. Perspiration literally means to sweat. As Thomas Alva Edison says "Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration". This is another statement that inspires greatly, you might have a great idea but without putting in the leg work, it will remain an idea. Looking at most successful people and organisation they have sweated to achieve their success, again looking at athlete's they literally sweat in order to be the best they can be. They put in the work on a daily basis to achieve their success.

Concluding this post, maintain these 3 elements in your pursuits as they really are a recipe for success, i can confirm that they have helped me achieve success. I know as humans it is difficult to do but with practice and the right mind set it can be done. Until my next post, Peace and Stay Classy

*** Edit***************************************************************************
Formula for Success courtesy of @Ir2babs, Excellent Formula:
Success (y) = Persistence (m) Perspiration (x) + Patience (c). Y= mx + c. Gradient to Success

The GeeK

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