Friday, 4 December 2009

Watch Who You Associate With

The theme of this post is another one of those topics that always seem to be around me, I tweeted about it a little while back but I felt it needed a quick blog post, "Association breeds similarity" this is a popular saying I hear this regularly in songs & read it in books. This statement also comes with biblical references, check out Proverbs 13:20. As humans no matter your mind set we are influenced by elements in our environment especially who we associate with.

The choices we make when it comes to association can potentially determine where we end up or how we become. Hanging around negative associates brings a negative aura around you. Picture this, if your main associates are scare mongers, they will instill fear into you whenever you have an idea and it could possibly make you miss out on a good opportunity. Avoid spending time with negative associates the effect they have on you is a lot more damaging than you think. I can attest that hanging around with negative associates turns your actions into negative ones.

Choosing the right kind of associates is crucial to your development."A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people" as the quote states by hanging around with intelligent people or driven people, their intelligence or drive rubs off on you which is a good thing well unless you are not interested in bettering yourself. A change in associates changes the way you view things and it inspires you to better yourself and your understanding.

In Conclusion, getting rid of associates is never an easy thing but if they are not bringing value to your life what is the point, you are better off with people that will inspire to greatness

Till next time

Stay Classy

The GeeK

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